Complete List Of Computer Network Types

Complete List Of Computer Network Types

A computer network is any group of two or more computers connected together.


In a LAN, all of the computers are connected to each other through a common cable. The most common type of LAN is an Ethernet network that uses twisted-pair cabling and 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX technology. Other types include Token Ring networks, FDDI (fiber optic), ARCNET (ARCnet) and ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode).

LANs can be either small or large depending on how many people use them in your office or building. They are usually confined to a single location like an office building but can also span multiple floors within one building if there’s enough cable length available between floors.


A WAN is a wide area network. It’s used to connect LANs over large distances, and it uses more bandwidth than a LAN.

WANs are slower than LANs because they have to transmit data over long distances.


MAN, or metropolitan area network, is a type of computer network that connects two or more LANs. It can be thought of as a WAN with a smaller geographical area than other types of networks and is often used to connect LANs in the same city.

In order to understand MANs better, let’s take a look at how they differ from other forms of networking:


CAN is a local area network (LAN) that uses the CAN bus as its physical layer. The CAN bus was developed by Robert Bosch GmbH in 1986 and was originally designed for automotive applications. It is now used in many industrial applications where real-time operation is required, such as manufacturing plants, robotics systems and medical equipment.

CAN operates at 500 kbit/s or 1 Mbit/s speeds on two wire pairs with differential signaling using the RS485 standard protocol over twisted pair wires or coaxial cables. The CAN Protocol specifies how messages are sent between nodes via this physical layer to form networks with devices such as transceivers or microcontrollers on each node acting as message routers between other nodes within range of their radio signals so there’s no need for expensive cabling costs like Ethernet requires (although some vendors may choose other protocols). Because it doesn’t require any sort of central controller unit like Ethernet does–and because all devices can share information freely across entire networks–this makes it ideal for industrial settings where multiple pieces need access simultaneously without needing dedicated lines just between them alone; additionally these might not even be physically close together anyway due

to logistics reasons so having something flexible enough could save money overall since less cable laying would mean less cost involved overall too!


A personal area network (PAN) is a computer network that connects devices within a relatively small area. PANs are used in many places, including offices, homes and factories. In these cases they may be shared by multiple users on the same premises or within range of each other’s wireless signals.

A computer network is any group of two or more computers connected together.

A computer network is any group of two or more computers connected together. A local area network (LAN) connects the computers in one building or on the same campus, while a wide area network (WAN) connects them over a large geographic area.

The most common type of computer networks are LANs, which typically use Ethernet cabling to connect all machines within a small geographical area such as an office building or apartment complex. WANs contain multiple LANs that have been linked together via routers and other networking hardware; they’re used to connect remote offices and even entire cities with high-speed internet access

You should now have a good understanding of the different types of computer networks. If you’re still confused, don’t worry! The best way to learn is by doing it yourself, so try setting up your own LAN or WAN (or both!) and see how everything fits together. You can also check out our other articles on networking topics such as routers and firewalls if these terms seem unfamiliar